Resource Documents and Downloads
The Historic Resources Code Project team has published two documents describing their proposals. For details about the project, you can download them here:
Staff Report - Overview of the project and explanation of all the proposed changes.
Amendments - The detailed language and word-by-word changes proposed to City Code. Each page of changes is paired with a page of commentary. At 263 pages, it isn't an easy read!​
Overview - A link to the City's web page with a broad overview of the project and links to explanations of specific changes.
PCHR is proposing 4 Amendments to HRCP relating to designation, de-designation and demolition of historic resources to better align the language with the State's Goal 5 Rules for protecting historic resources:
State-wide Preservation advocates Restore Oregon drafted great testimony last year that is still relevant. Download here.
For the latest news on Preservation wins and losses tune in to the Building on History Blog here
More on Historic Preservation's Importance to Portland:
Portland Plan, Fall 2009, Historic Resources Findings and Recommendations, a great resource for statistics and maps illustrating just how big a deal historic resources are for Portland.
The Greenest building: Quantifying the Environmental Value of building Reuse, a study by the Preservation Green Lab
24 Reasons Why Preservation is Good for Your Community, a study by PlaceEconomics
Value of CO2 Emmissions Reductions Through Building Restoration, a study by ECONorthwest
Sustainability and Climate Action, a paper by the Preservation Priorities Task Force of the National Trust for Historic Preservation
Historic Preservation and Tourism, an article in Preservation Forum by Arthur Frommer, publisher of the Frommer series of travel guides
Background documents relating to regulatory requirements and Oregon Land Use rules and Building Code Issues:
Full text of the Oregon Land Use Goal 5 Rules as of May, 2018
Planning for Historic Preservation In Oregon, published in 2018 by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
Application by the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability for easier internal conversions of single family housing to -plexes
Great links to more information on Historic Preservation
Livable Cities and Historic Preservation (University of Pennsylvania)
Re-Urbanization and Historic Building Stock (ArchDaily)
Underrepresented Community Grant Program - National Park Service
Study of the War Code Housing Program in Portland that provided thousands of housing units through internal conversions
Portland is required by its Certified Local Government Agreement with the State of Oregon to comply with State historic preservation standards defined in that Agreement. The State Historic Preservation Office has crafted a Model Historic Preservation Ordinance to help cities comply with their obligations. Download it here. See below for more background documents.
Concerns have been raised about the impartiality of some members of the Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission during their review of HRCP. Read them here.
Historic windows and energy efficiency -- information on why repair and maintenance of historic windows can be cheaper and more environmentally friendly:
Saving Money - Saving Windows -- a study of the economic and environmental factors in saving versus replacement by the Preservation Green Lab
A Visual Look at the Impact of bad window replacement decisions
Window Repair and Weatherization Guidebook -- White paper prepared by the Architectural Heritage Center for the Irvington Community Association
Some previous testimony documents as delivered to the Planning and Sustainability Commission during its hearings on HRCP in 2020:
Is Irvington Racist (or any other Historic District for that matter)?
Bleeding Albina: A History of Community Disinvestment, 1940-2000, a powerful review of the impacts of racism and red-lining on North and Northeast Portland, including Albina, Woodlawn, Piedmont, Walnut Park, Irvington, and other communities
Other testimony assists: